Running in a Winter Wonderland

An amazing (and badass) article from my good friend Katie Expatriated 😀

katie expatriated

Early this winter when the daily highs were inching their way toward freezing, I asked my mom for advice on how to maintain the motivation to run outside during the winter. My mom is a life-long runner and lover of the outdoors who manages to run outside every winter despite her vehement hatred of said season. She’s knows about these things. Her advice was to get really cute winter running clothes and find running friends. I do not have much luck with running friends, due to my insistence on running at exactly the warmest hour of each day. That tends to be between two and three and the good people of the world are at work (although some of my favorites have been chatty Saturday walk-runs with my darling friend G of Somewhat Outdoorsy-ish). However, the clothes thing? That works! In my egocentricity, I imagine all my neighbors are watching…

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